The philosophy of Four Pillars Kinesiology, is that for ultimate health and wellbeing, all 4 pillars need our attention and nurturing.

Those 4 pillars are the areas of: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual health and wellness.

Stress can appear in any one of these 4 areas, and if left unattended or unacknowledged, it may ‘spread’ and create issues in other areas, until typically manifesting in the physical form.

You’ll notice in the Four Pillars logo, that the 4 pillars (ie, circles; aerial view) all overlap with one another – this overlap is illustrative of the way in which our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual “bodies” all overlap, and are not separate.

In Kinesiology and Integrative Complementary Therapy, we have great respect for the fact that these four aspects, of us, do not function in isolation.  Hence the importance to acknowledge, and work with, all 4 pillars.

Special Note

Special mention and deepest thanks, goes to my dearest friend and ‘first Kinesiologist’, for the suggestion of the name “Four Pillars Kinesiology”.

With love, light and gratitude, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for being a beautiful, true, unwavering, heart-warming friend, and also for introducing me, in your incredibly gentle, calm and patient way, to the world of Kinesiology. And therefore the profound ripple effects of work done through Kinesiology.  You helped bring about a change in me, and my life path, in so many ways, on so many levels.  I’m so grateful and pleased to be able to now support others, as you did for me (and still do!).  Endless love. xo

Read more about our Holistic approach here and read an example of why it can be so powerful.